IIoT Automation Connectivity - InterOperability SOLUTIONS
   IIoT Control System Automation Connectivity - InterOperability SOLUTIONS      IIoT Control System Automation Connectivity SOLUTIONS
Under Construction 
IIoT - InterOperability SOLUTIONS 
Suspendisse vestibulum tristique commodo. Donec laoreet, enim vel eleifend laoreet Fusce pharetra tristique lorem.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy
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as opposed to using
Under Construction 
IIoT - InterOperability SOLUTIONS 
Praesent a magna id mi dapibus consectetur non vel augue. Nullam ornare, nibh eget vestibulum tempus Suspendisse vestibulum tristique commodo.

Reali Technologies 

IIoT Interconnectivity 
Cloud Solutions 

VNC, Web Server, MQTT 

Under Construction

Ray W Zimbal Jr.
Automation System Application Engineering and Sales
MD&G+Controls TM
Motors, Drives and Gears plus Controls LLC
IIoT convergence with Mechatronics necessitates Connectivity - InterOperability SOLUTIONS 
DFW Area Phone - (817) 307-1274
Houston Area Phone - (713) 835-9753 answered 24-7
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